Church Wide Ministry

Alliance Vision Prayer: “O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come, transform us to be Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused people, multiplying disciples everywhere.”

Churchwide Ministry:

1. Thanks God for leading the K Day Free Breakfast yesterday. Also, thank you for those who came to help out.

2. Our General Fund, Building Fund and M&F Fund are in shortfall. The offering for the Mission Fund has only reached 25.5% of the budget. Please remember and support the needs of the House of God in all aspects.

3. The Youth Short Term Mission Trip (August 21-26): Pastor Pamelina will bring 9 youth to Port Moody in BC to serve in The House of Omeed. Please pray for them. They are still accepting bottles for The House of Omeed, please bring any empty bottles to the church by July 31.

4. Pastors Away: Pastor Brandon July 26-30. Pastor Miranda July 22-28. Pastor Pamelina July 19-26.