English Ministry

1. Baptism? Are you a new believer or simply have never made this public commitment to follow Jesus. Ask the office for an application or just come to the first class to hear more on September 29 at 9:30am in Room 150. Ask a pastor for more info and RSVP if you know you’re coming. Baptism date will be November 17.

2. Membership? Want to explore church membership and hear more of our beliefs and vision? Classes are in tandem with the Baptism class starting September 29 at 9:30am in Room 150. Grab an application from the office to get started or ask a pastor for more info!

3. Healthy Marriages Ministry Upcoming Events:

  • Together for Good Marriage Workshop Oct 18 & 19th, 2024 – Come join us as we invite Braden and Kristen Hafner from FamilyLife Canada to lead a fun and engaging workshop on how to build a strong marriage that stays together, for good!  Workshop will take place in the Dynamic Center.  Cost is $25 per couple and includes all materials and refreshments. Scan the QR code for more details and to register:   
  • FamilyLife Canada Weekend Getaway in Jasper Nov 1-3, 2024– this immersive 3-day conference held at the beautiful Jasper Park Lodge is an opportunity to reconnect, re-establish the foundation, and rekindle the romance in your marriage.  To take advantage of our group rate of $199/couple:
  • Scan the QR code   
  • Click on ‘Join A Group’
  • Select ‘ECAC Jasper Getaway’ and enter the passcode ‘5019’
  • Select 1 group registration per couple and complete registration

Questions?  Contact Michelle Lee at michelle.lee@ecac.ca.

4. Prayer Meeting: Join us Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom. Meeting ID: 346 311 903 Passcode: 085464

5. Community of Women Small Group:

  • Advent Booklet – Do you know someone who could contribute to our printed advent booklet? Encourage them to submit. We are looking for Art, writing, or photos submissions under the themes of Hopeful Expectancy, Preserving Faith, Joyful Remembrance, Abiding Peace by Oct 27. To submit or for more information email women@ecac.ca
  • Coffee & Connect – Oct 20th 1:30pm Liberta coffee lab (6547 99 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 3P5)


1.      2 Fire Drills will be conducted on September 22 weather permitting. Everyone must leave the building when the alarm goes off, and gather at the muster point.

  • Parents, please don’t pick up your children either in the classroom or at the parking lot. All children should return to their classroom for a vital head count after the fire
  • For safety reasons, please do not move your vehicle during the fire drill. If you are entering the parking lot at that time, please drive slowly and follow the fire warden’s instruction.