Month: September 2024

Church Wide Ministry

1. ECAC Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 2024:The Pastors and Staff of ECAC would like to invite all volunteers who served in 2024 to our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on October 5 at 5:00 pm. Join us for dinner, worship and sharing as we celebrate everything that God has been doing through all of you at ECAC. Deadline for registration: Sept. 29. Please scan the QR code to sign up.   

2. Stories of God in Cambodia September 27th 7:30-8:30pm: Come hear stories and see clips of the work from the trip in June. Hear how God is lifting people out of poverty and how our lives have changed.

3. Weekends with Our Ministry Friend: We will meet with Jeff & Klara on Sept 21 at 6:30 pm. If you are coming to the potluck dinner at 5:30 pm, please scan the QR code to sign up.   

4. Please Note: No pastor in the church will send emails privately asking brothers and sisters to help purchase gift cards. Recently, brothers and sisters have received similar fraudulent emails.

5. The Senior Pastor’s September lecture series will be held on Tuesdays Sept 17, 24 from 8:30-10pm. The topic: “The Kingdom of God.” All are welcome!
To join: Zoom Meeting ID: 838 3843 0457 Passcode: ecac123; Scan the QR code or contact for the link.    Click here to read more

English Ministry

1. Baptism? Are you a new believer or simply have never made this public commitment to follow Jesus. Ask the office for an application or just come to the first class to hear more on September 29 at 9:30am in Room 150. Ask a pastor for more info and RSVP if you know you’re coming. Baptism date will be November 17.

2. Membership? Want to explore church membership and hear more of our beliefs and vision? Classes are in tandem with the Baptism class starting September 29 at 9:30am in Room 150. Grab an application from the office to get started or ask a pastor for more info!

3. Healthy Marriages Ministry Upcoming Events:

  • Together for Good Marriage Workshop Oct 18 & 19th, 2024 – Come join us as we invite Braden and Kristen Hafner from FamilyLife Canada to lead a fun and engaging workshop on how to build a strong marriage that stays together, for good!  Workshop will take place in the Dynamic Center.  Cost is $25 per couple and includes all materials and refreshments. Scan the QR code for more details and to register:   
  • FamilyLife Canada Weekend Getaway in Jasper Nov 1-3, 2024– this immersive 3-day conference held at the beautiful Jasper Park Lodge is an opportunity to reconnect, re-establish the foundation, and rekindle the romance in your marriage.  To take advantage of our group rate of $199/couple:
  • Scan the QR code   
  • Click on ‘Join A Group’
  • Select ‘ECAC Jasper Getaway’ and enter the passcode ‘5019’
  • Select 1 group registration per couple and complete registration

Questions?  Contact Michelle Lee at

4. Prayer Meeting: Join us Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom. Meeting ID: 346 311 903 Passcode: 085464

5. Community of Women Small Group:

  • Advent Booklet – Do you know someone who could contribute to our printed advent booklet? Encourage them to submit. We are looking for Art, writing, or photos submissions under the themes of Hopeful Expectancy, Preserving Faith, Joyful Remembrance, Abiding Peace by Oct 27.
Click here to read more

JMC-Youth & Children Ministry

1. Deep Divers starts TODAY: The Discovery starts at 9:30 am and The Plunge at 11:15am. We are still looking for more leaders to lead and teach the word of God to our children. If you are interested in being part of our team, please contact Jannah Kwong ( and Sarah Chan (

2. Sparks and Glow starts on September 21: S&G is on Saturdays from 3-5pm. We will be continuing our Covenant Series in seeing God’s love for us through Jesus. Registration has started! If you are interested or would like to learn more, please email P. Phoebe (

3. Subscribe to Children and Youth Emails: P. Pamelina and P. Phoebe send emails every week to update what is going on in Children and Youth Ministries. You can access the link below to register for our programs and you will receive more information in our ministries:

4. Wednesday Prayer Meeting: WPM meets every Wednesday evening via zoom at 7:30. It is for children and youth from Grade 3-12. We fellowship, pray, and play group games together. Join us! For more information, contact P. Phoebe (

5. Wee Care Ministry Needs Lots of Volunteers: please contact Bobo or Jen in person or through email ( if you would like to serve.… Click here to read more