English Ministry

  1. Welcome and thank you Darren & Minako Polischuk, the founders of Work of Your Hand, for sharing God’s word to us this morning.
  2. Child Dedication TODAY:                Aaron Lucas Tan (son of Alex & Sally Tan); Kyler Luk (daughter of Joel & Pheobe Luk); Amelia Tang (daughter of Henry & Alina Tang); Lyra He (daughter of Yu & Siobhan He); Victoria Rocha Marinho (daughter of Renan & Weslaine Marinho); Naomi Dang, Elias Dang and Miriam Dang (children of Eric & Su-Li Dang)
  3. Community of Women Small Group Advent Booklet – Do you know someone who could contribute to our printed advent booklet? Encourage them to submit. We are looking for Art, writing, or photos submissions under the themes of Hopeful Expectancy, Preserving Faith, Joyful Remembrance, Abiding Peace by Oct 27. To submit or for more information email women@ecac.ca
  4. Prayer Meeting: Join us Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom. Meeting ID: 346 311 903 Passcode: 085464


1.      The 62nd Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference “Living in God’s Presence” (Ps. 23:6): Dec 27-31 in Richmond, BC.  Speakers:  Rev. Ken Shigematsu (English Adults); Pastor Taylor Woodburn (English Teens).  Registration:  CCCWC.CA.