1. EMC Council Update: Ken Chan has joined EMC Council as our worship deacon. Please pray for him as he leads in this role.
2. Join Our Greeters Team: We invite you to get involved on a Sunday morning and welcome people into our church. Please talk to or contact Pastor Tim (tim.anderson@ecac.ca) or Lydia Cheung if you would like to join the team or have any questions.
3. Community of Women Self Defense Class: Brought back by popular demand! Instructors from Tip of Spear Inc will teach us to keep ourselves and our families safe, whether you have children or family members who are elderly or have reduced mobility. Seminar includes a lecture on awareness and how danger happens and learn the basics of defending yourself. Using the world renowned IKMF Stay Away seminar curriculum which combines discussion, stories and physical techniques to address the most common types of attacks that women face today. Time & Date: Saturday, Mar 8, 9:00am – 12:00pm Cost: $25 per person Limited Spots available! Scan QR code to sign up. (https://forms.gle/UxpGLe1fFebAN4h66).
4. Wednesday Prayer Meeting: Join us Wed 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom. Meeting ID: 346 311 903 Passcode: 085464
1. Our Condolence: Mrs. Anna Tsang went to be with the Lord on Dec 29, 2024. May God comfort her family. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, Jan 18, 2:30 PM at our church.