General Membership Meeting (in person) – TODAY at 11:15am in the Dynamic Center. The agenda for the meeting has been emailed to all current ECAC members. The agenda is posted on the bulletin board outside the office, and is also available at the welcome desk. The quorum for the meeting is 130 active voting members. Members, please attend.
Special arrangements for General Membership Meeting:
JMC’s The Discovery from 9:30-10:45am will take place as usual. Parents are asked to pick up their children promptly at 10:45am.
Parents with young children (age 5-12) who are planning to attend the GMM have the option of leaving their children with leaders at the Dynamic Center at 11am.
InTouch café will be closed. However, free coffee and tea will be provided.
2024 Offering Receipts – If you have not received it, please pick up at the church office asap.