NO EMC SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY: Will resume next Sunday at 9:30am.
Baptism? Are you a new believer or simply have never made this public commitment to follow Jesus. Ask the office for an application or just come to the first class to hear more on March 30 at 9:30am in room 150. Feel free to ask for more info and RSVP with Pastor Tim ( if you know you’re coming. Baptism date will be May 25.
Membership? Want to explore church membership and hear more about our beliefs and vision? Classes are in tandem with the Baptism class starting March 30 at 9:30am in room 150. Grab an application from the office to get started and come to the first class to learn more!
Healthy Marriages Ministry: FamilyLife Canada is hosting another Weekend Getaway at Lake Louise April 25-27, 2025. If you are interested in attending, please contact Michelle at for a discounted rate.
Are you passionate about music and looking to use your talents in worship? We’re inviting skilled musicians to inquire about joining our worship teams! Whether you play guitar, drums, piano, or sing—your gifts can make a difference. Reach out to for details.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: Join us Wed 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom. Meeting ID: 346 311 903 Passcode: 085464