Questions: What’s one impossible thing you’ve seen become possible? What might it look like to be faithful through the impossible or not seeing God’s promise/plan? What is one step you…

Holy Fear Builds Faith

April 30, 2023
Passage: Hebrews 11:1-7; Genesis 6-7   Questions: 1. What’s a fear (rational or irrational) you had as a kid or still have? 2. How is fearing God different than fears…

Disciple-making – Why Me?

November 20, 2022
Response Questions: 1.   Please share your experience facing setback or adversities in your spiritual journey in the past. 2.   Do you know your life’s mission?  How did you find it…

Comfort for Broken Hearts

December 5, 2021
Scripture: Genesis 27-33; Luke 15:11-24; 2 Samuel 12:13-23 The Bible gives us examples of broken relationships and broken hearts that have been restored. We can have hope, live life, and…

God Provides for His People

February 28, 2021
Week 13: God Provides for His People, Passage Genesis 45 We will be looking in the passage of Genesis 45. This lesson is set several years after Joseph was sold…

God Confirms His Promise

February 14, 2021
Week 11: God confirms His Promise Passage: Genesis 32-35 Today’s lesson from Genesis 32-35, how God kept His promises with Jacob to always be with him in difficult times. Jacob…