Passage: Luke 2:15-20, 1 John 4:9-10
Passage: Luke 24: 45-49; Acts 1 :8
Passage: Luke 24, Psalm 51:12
Passage: Luke 9:18-22, 9:43-45, 18:31-34 Questions: 1. Jesus asks “Who do you say that I am?” Share your answer to that question as though Jesus is asking you here…
Passage: Luke 12:13-34; 14:12-24(33); 18:18-30 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Response Questions 1. What out of the 4 “Meaning of Money” (Status, Control, Security,…
Passage: Luke 9:46-48, 10:38-42, 18:15-17 Response Questions What did you learn about God from the Kids on stage today? What might it look like to take on faith…
Passage: Luke 12: 54-56 & 17: 20-37 Response Questions What’s a thought or image that comes to mind when you think of the end times or the coming…
Passage: Luke 11: 1-13 Response Questions What does prayer look like in your life? How can you continue growing in prayer? Why is prayer so important? How does…