Church Wide Ministry

Church Wide Ministry

Alliance Vision Prayer: “O God, with all our hearts, we long for You. Come, transform us to be Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused people, multiplying disciples everywhere.” Churchwide Ministry: 1. Thanks God for leading the K Day Free Breakfast yesterday. Also, thank you for those who came to help out. 2. Our General Fund, Building Fund and […]

Pastor Spiritual Renewal

Pastor Derik Chan will be taking time for personal reflection and spiritual renewal in the upcoming months, including a spiritual retreat in September and October. To allow time for his spiritual renewal, his responsibilities in CMC will shift in the next several months.

3 Options to Make Offering

3 options to make offering: (please indicate your offering number, name and fund distribution Mail cheques to the church: 5019-199 Street, Edmonton, AB T6M2T6 Drop off to the church: prior to your arrival, please contact the office (780-483-2143). E-transfer: contact Diana Poon at 780-483-2143 or and complete a registration form.

Policy to Protect

Policy to Protect – In order to comply with the church’s policy to protect our vulnerable persons, all adult volunteers in the following positions are required to obtain a Police Information Check: pastors, elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers, Chinese School teachers, church bus drivers, Senior ministry volunteers and JMC volunteers. A list of certified volunteers […]