Drive-In Service

Drive-In Service!

Join us for our 11:15am English Drive-In Service on Sunday, October 11. Drive in, wave to our welcome team, and join the service on your radio or sit outside your vehicle.
Here’s what you should know:
  • Park on the south (right as you drive in) side of the parking lot
  • Tune in to 105.1 FM
  • Sit on the back of your hatch, in your car, or bring a chair to sit by your car
  • Click here to view the lyrics for the worship songs
  • Go to the office doors to use the washroom (we also encourage you to go before you come)
We’re excited to see you again and encourage you to come be in community with each other, while maintaining physical distancing.

If you cannot join us live on-site, you can still join the service through this button.