EMC Sermons
Passage: 1 Kings 19:9-13 Response Questions: In what ways have you felt God’s presence in times of trouble? Like God asked Elijah: “What are you doing here?” What brought…
Passage: Joshua 4:1-7 Response Questions 1. What experience felt rocky for you in 2021? 2. How was the experience of this Prayer or Examen for you? 3. What stands…
Passage: Micah 6:8 Response Questions What of His goodness has the Lord shown you? To whom or towards what cause is The Spirit moving you with compassion to…
Passage: Matthew 1:18-25 Response Questions Before the sermon, did you think that love and accountability could be mixed together? Why or why not? Have you received advice that made you…
Questions: 1. What is one story you’ve heard/experienced lately that caused joy? 2. What’s one action you could do this week to focus more on joyful things than sad/angry things? …
Passage: Isaiah 9:6-7, John 14:25-29 Discussion Questions: 1. What has chaos looked like for you lately? 2. We talked a lot today about the peace that comes from Jesus. What…
Questions: What are some examples of hope or hopelessness that you have felt this past year? What is an obstacle in your life that comes between you and God? How…
Response Questions: 1. Have you received advice from someone who has helped you grow spiritually? How did that person watch over you? 2. What are the challenges of holding another…
Discussion Questions: 1. What ways have you sought out God in the past? 2. Who can you seek God’s face with? 3. What ways could you seek God’s face this…