EMC Sermons
Response Questions: 1. What’s your favourite passage/story in Scripture? 2. What has been your understanding of what Scripture is for? 3. Who in your Christian circle can you look to…
Response Questions: 1. What ways have you been involved in the Great Commission around the world? Prayer? Giving? Going? Sending? 2. Who in your Christian circle could you engage with…
Response Questions: Do you know that you have a mission from God? If so, what is your mission? Do you feel being accountable to God? Why or why not? What…
Response Questions: In what ways does your life promote hyper-individualism? Do you practice accountability with some people? What has that looked like? What’s one part of your life that you…
Response Questions: 1. What are the main causes of your fear? 2. Describe a fearful time God was there for you. 3. In what ways can you trust God in…
Passage: Psalm 84 Response Questions: 1. On a scale of 0 to 10 (10 being the strongest), how would you describe your longing for God? How would verses 1-4 (or…
Passage: Exodus 33:1-6, 12-18 Response Questions: 1. When did you last feel God’s presence in your lives? This morning? Or, last few days or weeks? 2. What are ways…
Passage: Exodus 16:1-3, 17:1-3 Response Questions: 1. Tell us about a time you found yourself waiting. What was it like and were you able to find God in the…
Passage: Exodus 14 Speaker: Pastor Brandon Crain Response Questions: 1. What are some major transitions you have gone through? Were there positive and/or negative effects? 2. Looking at…
Passage: Philippians 2:12-13 Speaker: Rev. Darryl Crocker Questions: 1. According to Philippians 2:12-13, what three ways does God prepare us for His Will for our lives? 2. What is your…