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Return to the Father
April 3, 2022
Response Questions: 1. What strikes you the most about the story and why? 2. With whom do you identify the most: The Prodigal or the Brother? 3. What might it…
Repent for the Kingdom
March 27, 2022
Passage: Mark 1:14-15 & Matthew 6:9-13 Response Questions: What has been your understanding of The Kingdom of God and its relationship with the Gospel? What is one…
Preacher : Brandon Crain
Passage: Mark 1: 14-15 & Matthew 6: 9-13
Service Type: Sunday Morning Service
Disciple-making – Love Your Neighbours
March 20, 2022
Passage: Leviticus 19:33-34 Response Questions: Think of the people who are within your connection circle: family, relatives, friends, colleagues, classmates, and neighbours. You are now their “neighbour.” Share…