Brandon Crain

In Christ

April 7, 2024
Passage:  John 17 Response Questions Describe a time when you were thought of or you got invited to something that excited you? What does it do for us when we’re…

A Childlike Kingdom Posture

February 18, 2024
Passage:  Luke 9:46-48, 10:38-42, 18:15-17     Response Questions What did you learn about God from the Kids on stage today? What might it look like to take on faith…

Apocalyptic Motivations

February 4, 2024
Passage:  Luke 12: 54-56 & 17: 20-37     Response Questions What’s a thought or image that comes to mind when you think of the end times or the coming…

Celebrate Hope

December 3, 2023
Response Questions What is something that you’ve hoped in that got delayed? What was that experience like? What about Jesus returning brings hope to you or our world? How can…

Overflow of the Heart

November 5, 2023
Response Questions: 1. When you read this passage, what limit is there to who Jesus will give mercy to? What might this look like in your life or the life…