Passage: Acts 13:1-4 Response Questions: 1. What has been your understanding of worship? 2. How can you change or grow in your worship moving forward? 3. What makes worship…
Passage: Acts 13:1-12 Response Questions: 1. What makes it difficult for you to let go of your own agenda and follow God’s leadings? 2. When was a time you…
Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Questions: 1. How can you live a life as a servant like Jesus did? 2. What does it look like for you to choose God and…
Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-5 Questions: 1. What does it look like for you to go to Jesus? 2. What does ongoing transformation and continuously being built into the…
Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 Speaker: Pastor Tim Anderson Questions: 1. God reconciled us to become His friends. How can you simply rest in knowing that and knowing His love…
Questions: What is God inviting you to lay down in your own life? What are some ways you can practically live out God’s will this week? What is His will…
Passage: 1 Kings 19:9-13 Response Questions: In what ways have you felt God’s presence in times of trouble? Like God asked Elijah: “What are you doing here?” What brought…
Questions: What are some examples of hope or hopelessness that you have felt this past year? What is an obstacle in your life that comes between you and God? How…