God Delivers His People

April 18, 2021

God Delivers His People

Passage: Exodus 7-12
Service Type:

We will continue to learn more about Moses and how God used him to deliver His people out of Egypt. Moses tells Pharoah to let God’s people go and every time Pharoah’s heart is hardened after each plague to not let the Hebrews leave. Until finally the last and tenth plague, Pharoah finally let God’s people out of the land of slavery. We will cover chapters Exodus 7-12 and look into Ten Plagues, Passover Feast, and Unleavened Bread. Unleavened Bread Instructions Ingredients: • 1 cup of all purpose flour • ½ cup of water • Bowl • Spoon • Baking sheet • Oil • Rolling pin

1.Prepare your ingredients: 1 cup of all purpose flour, ½ cup of water, bowl, spoon, baking sheet, oil, and rolling pin 2. Preheat oven at 450 Fahrenheit. 3. Mix the all purpose flour and water in a bowl until it is paste-like. 4. Place the dough on a floured surface to prevent non sticking and rolling it as thin as possible. 5. Place it on lightly greased baking sheet 6. Bake at 450 for 5 to 7 mins until it is lightly brown 7.Take a picture and send to Pastor Phoebe at phoebe.chan@ecac.ca