
Peace on Earth

December 19, 2021
Scripture: Luke 1:26-45; 2:1-7 Jesus is the Prince of Peace who came onto earth to bring us peace. We have a special guest sharing the story of Christmas with us…

Hope for Anxious Hearts

December 12, 2021
Accountability Card: If you have completed your devotions, please fill in the accountability card forms for a prize! Since the new school year has started and I have not…

Comfort for Broken Hearts

December 5, 2021
Scripture: Genesis 27-33; Luke 15:11-24; 2 Samuel 12:13-23 The Bible gives us examples of broken relationships and broken hearts that have been restored. We can have hope, live life, and…

Justified by Grace

November 28, 2021
Scripture: Romans 5:1-21 God offers grace to us through Jesus. Accept God’s gift of grace and grow your relationship with Him as we continue to learn Romans 5:1-21. The Perfect…

The Only Cure for Sin

November 21, 2021
Scripture: Romans 3:10-26; Luke 19 Zacchaeus’ heart and life were changed because of Jesus. Think about how Jesus changes hearts and lives. The Perfect Gift for Christmas Poem Reading: If…