Passage: Matthew 20:20-28; 21:1-11 Speaker: Pastor Brandon Crain Series: Countercultural Kingdom Questions 1. What strikes you about Jesus’ character that is different from any monarch or government you know? 2.…
Week 4: Jesus Died For Our Sins Passage: John 19:1-37 We will be diving into John 19 in reminding us that Jesus Christ has died for our sins. He came…
Speaker: Auntie Ilse Li Passage: Hebrews 11
Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1-7 Speaker: Pastor Stan Man Questions: 1. Do you know why we do what we do in the church, such as small group, fellowship, Bible study or…
Week 3: The Holy Spirit is Our Helper Passage: John 14:15-27; 15:26-27 We are plunging into the New Testament looking into the passage of John 14 and 15 where Jesus…
Series: Countercultural Kingdom Passage: Matthew 5:9-12 Questions: 1. What ways have you seen peace or the peace of God at work? 2. In what ways might you need the peace…
Week 2: Jesus Modeled Humility Passage: John 13 We are plunging into the New Testament looking into the passage of John 13 where Jesus demonstrated humility through washing the feet…
Series: Countercultural Kingdom Passage: Matthew 5:7-8 Questions: 1. In what ways have you encountered the mercy of God? 2. Who in your life have you seen be merciful? What did…
Week 1: Jesus is the Son of God Passage: Matthew 17 Description: We are going back to the New Testament to learn about Jesus’ Transfiguration in Matthew 17. Jesus’ changed…
Series: Countercultural Kingdom Passage: Matthew 5:5-6 Questions: 1. Describe a moment of kingdom meekness that you have seen. 2. What are some things our world hungers and thirsts for? 3.…