We will continue to learn more about Moses and how God used him to deliver His people out of Egypt. Moses tells Pharoah to let God’s people go and every…
Questions 1. What are some things that may keep you from being the salt and light in your work/community? 2. What are some practical ways to be a salt and…
Week 6: God Prepares Us for Service Passage: Exodus 2:1-25; 3:1-22; 4:1-7
Questions: 1. What materialistic/constructed thing or system can get in the way of finding the person of Jesus? 2. What are some ways we can keep our eyes on Jesus,…
Week 5: Jesus is Alive Passage: John 20:1-31 Jesus has died and has risen from the dead! Jesus is alive! Jesus conquered sin and death and is victorious!
Passage: Matthew 20:20-28; 21:1-11 Speaker: Pastor Brandon Crain Series: Countercultural Kingdom Questions 1. What strikes you about Jesus’ character that is different from any monarch or government you know? 2.…
Week 4: Jesus Died For Our Sins Passage: John 19:1-37 We will be diving into John 19 in reminding us that Jesus Christ has died for our sins. He came…
Speaker: Auntie Ilse Li Passage: Hebrews 11