Standing Firm in Integrity
In today’s lesson, we are learning to live out in integrity through Paul’s life. Through Paul’s actions, teaching, and preaching, many people were able to encounter Christ despite of the persecutions. Many people believed in Jesus because how of Paul lived his life. This challenges us how are we living a life of integrity showing Christ through our lives.
Since the new school year has started and I have not seen your children for a long time, I would love to update the Children's Ministry information just to keep track and even stop asking, "What grade are you now?". We would love if all our parents from JMC Children and Youth to fill out this form for Uncle Andrew and I to keep track and send out info regarding the plans for the upcoming school year. If there are new parents joining us, please pass it on and fill it out as well!
We will be meeting our Discovery Leaders via Zoom. If you have further questions regarding the Discovery, email Jannah Kwong at
For more information on what we do at Deep Divers, please email Pastor Phoebe at