The Holy Spirit is Our Helper

March 21, 2021

The Holy Spirit is Our Helper

Passage: John 14:15​-27; 15:26​-27
Service Type:
Week 3: The Holy Spirit is Our Helper
Passage: John 14:15-27; 15:26-27
We are plunging into the New Testament looking into the passage of John 14 and 15 where Jesus has promised the disciples that when he ascends with the Father, there will be a Helper that will help and guide them to continue their missions. We will be learning more about the Holy Spirit and the relationship that it has with the Father and The Son. We will learn that the Holy Spirit helps, guides, teaches, and corrects us so we can become more like Christ.
Family Easter Activity Form:
If you would like to be a part of the Easter Dance this year, learn the dance moves that Jamie and Aidan created for us: