JMC Worship

Romans 14:1-15:7 God wants Christians to get along with others. Remember to include others, get along with others, focus on the good in others, and love others. SAVE THE DATE:…

Submitting to Authority

March 27, 2022
Romans 13:1-7 God has placed people in authority over us. Follow God’s plan and show our love for others through our words and actions. SAVE THE DATE: VBS 2022 is…

The Transformed Life

March 20, 2022
We are to be transformed by God’s Word. Ask God to help you change your thoughts, words, and actions to reflect a life living for Jesus. If you have completed…

Led By the Spirit

March 13, 2022
We will be continuing the study in Romans by looking at Romans 8: 1-11. We will be learning that the Holy Spirit helps us live a life that is pleasing…

Set Free From Sin

March 6, 2022
We will be heading back to the New Testament to the book of Romans. Romans 6:1-23 reminds us that Jesus frees us from sin. It is through the Grace that…

Wisdom for Every Day

February 27, 2022
Proverbs 1:1-7 The Bible should be our source of wisdom in our daily lives. Aim to listen wisely, speak wisely, look wisely, and walk wisely every day. The Book of…

Standing for the Truth

February 20, 2022
Passage: 1 Kings 18:19-46 Elijah stood for God because he knew He was the one, true God. Use the five truths from God’s Word to help you stand boldly for…

Seeking God’s Presence

February 13, 2022
King Solomon built a Temple so he and the Israelites could worship and grow closer to God and we will be looking from 1 Kings 8:1-61. Use the PRAY method…

Seeking God’s Wisdom

February 6, 2022
God’s Word helps us know how to live wisely. Turn to the source of wisdom to help me make choices that lead you in the right direction. We will be…