Sunday Morning Service

Jesus the Cornerstone

August 7, 2022
Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-5     Questions: 1. What does it look like for you to go to Jesus? 2. What does ongoing transformation and continuously being built into the…

Yield to Perfect Love

July 31, 2022
Passage: Matthew 19:13-31 Speaker: David Yip   Questions: 1. How have you experienced God in your daily life? 2. What fears do you have, would you like to share with…

What is Your Priority?

July 24, 2022
Passage: Haggai 1:1-15 Speaker: Pastor Miranda Yeung   Questions: 1. What is a priority God put in your heart that you should respond without delay? 2. What sacrifices would you…

Enemies to Friends

July 10, 2022
Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 Speaker: Pastor Tim Anderson   Questions: 1. God reconciled us to become His friends. How can you simply rest in knowing that and knowing His love…

Rest Because of Jesus

July 3, 2022
Passage: Hebrews 4 Speaker: Pastor Brandon Crain   Questions: 1. What has been your practice of rest? 2. What are some activities that help restore your soul? 3. What are…
Questions: Has there ever been something you thought you knew about God, but God expanded your knowledge of him? Explain. What’s one thing you’ve learned about God lately? How has…