Sunday Morning Service

Jesus the Disrupter

May 1, 2022
Response Questions: 1. How have you been disrupted recently? 2. How do you react when you’ve been disrupted? 3. Have you thought of Jesus as a disrupter? What might that…

The King Has Arrived

April 10, 2022
Response Questions: 1. Have you thought of Jesus as the functioning king of your life? How does that change how we live? 2. How have you had to surrender authority…

Return to the Father

April 3, 2022
Response Questions: 1. What strikes you the most about the story and why?  2. With whom do you identify the most: The Prodigal or the Brother?   3. What might it…

Repent for the Kingdom

March 27, 2022
Passage:  Mark 1:14-15 & Matthew 6:9-13     Response Questions:   What has been your understanding of The Kingdom of God and its relationship with the Gospel? What is one…
Passage:  Leviticus 19:33-34     Response Questions: Think of the people who are within your connection circle: family, relatives, friends, colleagues, classmates, and neighbours. You are now their “neighbour.” Share…